Cillín @Snackers

Age 22


Joined on 5/8/17

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Snackers's News

Posted by Snackers - December 28th, 2024

Damn, what? The year's already over?! BLEEEH!! Time sure flies when you spend so much time in your room.

I wanna thank everyone that came out to the NG Dublin Meetup in May! Organizing any kind of meetup like this was definitely a first for me, and also the first time (correct me if I'm wrong) a Newgrounds Meetup was held in Ireland in over 14 years!

I really wasn't sure how it was gonna go down or how many people would even show up, but looking back on it now It's kind of surreal to think that I was hanging out with a few of my old NG friends in person at the same time while meeting new people, in my home country. Ireland's a small island so the fact that so many people came out was pretty damn cool.


NG toons at the pub + The Simpsons Arcade speedrun feat. (left to right)

Me, speedo, Alan (everyone say Hi Alan), GuardiasVA and HenryEYES

The barcade place we went to literally shut down a few days after our shindig, apparently they just couldn't get rid of that 'NG funk' we lovingly emitted so oh well! shrug emoji.

For most of this year I was working as an animator at Studio Meala on a show called Doodle Girl.

Workin on the show was like speedrunning 5 different animation tutorials per week, it felt like everyday I saw and learned something new I hadn't thought about in animation before. Seein' how the pros tackled shots and trying to find my footing was crazy rewarding and powerful.

It feels like this is the most I've improved in ANIMATION in just under a year.


To see my name on the telly in the credits of a project I'm actually proud to be apart of is nutso, for sure.

Everyone on the team really was cool and seemed to be having a blast, and I felt honoured ta even be a part of it and bring whatever weird energy I could in my animation.

Anyway, I don't think there's even a way you can watch it outside of Ireland so for now you'll just have ta take my word that for a kids show, it's actually pretty killer and wait until I get the OK to share the shots I animated!

Outside of drawing and animatin stuff, life this year was for sure hectic. too many hoes want me, My money is stacked too high and my heart just too big, sigh...


lol, but for real, I think being out of education for the first time in my life has made me realize that just working non-stop for a whole year makes that shit fly by before you can even realize. Especially since most of my output was studio work or commissions. I'm a lil annoyed by how little of my own art n' cartoons I got done this year.

So armed with everythin' I've learned so far I'm gonna finally step up my game and hopefully make more of my own stuff in the new year. I felt pretty inspired by the response to that dumbass Guilty Gear thing I made in like a week, lol!

right now I'm workin on an Ape Escape cartoon with some friends.

I got all the rough animation done so it'll be out sometime in da future!


Not too much else I have to say, really. It wasn't a crazy eventful year for me, just a buncha hunkering down animating, learning stuff while life threw the same lessons at me over n over again. My health was a lil all over the place, spent a frustratin amount of time in and out of doctors offices in the latter half of the year, but I'm better now, so we up.


Got my health back just in time to watch peak

That's all for now, till next time - sayonara. here's a picture of me and Miku!





Posted by Snackers - July 21st, 2024

EEp!! I kno, lemme getcha all caught up. >_<

SIGH,,, sorry for not uploading so often guys... my NormalBoots contract expired and the bastards won't renew my channel. the Dang website just don't pay enough for me to finish Top 10 WEIRD WiiWare Games so unless god damn ScrewAttack or whatever is hiring.. I'm ''cooked''.


Just kidding guys, you know dats not me hahah.

Speakin o' contracts tho, the BIG reason I haven't been so active animation wise on NG is cuz for the past 9 months I've gotten the chance to work as an animator for Studio Meala on a show they're makin called Doodle Girl.


I'll share the work I did on it and talk about it more once it releases. It was a crazy amazing experience getting to work with some insanely talented and nice folks, I learned so much so quickly. it's a very charming and cute show that's covered in the fingerprints of everyone involved, and its hand-drawn style moves and feels like nothin else I can really think of out there right now.

Excited ta share more when I can..!!

anyway, I'm done my work on that project so I've a lot more time freed up now to work on some more of my own stuff. I'm gonna rest up good then get back ta making some short animations and cool art.

turns out workin full-time animatin on a project makes it hard ta keep up the energy workin on stuff in your spare time sometimes, huh? I dunno how Postboy does it..!! I'll figure it out eventually, lol.

I WAS workin on a cartoon about one of my favourite games earlier this year, but it was kinda too long, and also unfunny and a little gay, so I dropped it. down the snackers iceberg it goes...


Someday I'll do Kid Icarus justice!

It's cool though, instead I recently started a super short Guilty Gear cartoon that I dig more, I'm nearly done animating it so I'll actually finish it and it should be out sometime soonish.


Beer me!! Thas like what that dude in the Office says, in that episode. I luv the Office, it makes me lol

That's all I got ta share for now, really. Other than the cool Meala stuff, last year life dropped alotta stuff on me outside of my control that took up a lot of time, which is why I was stretched pretty thin in terms of making stuff on here. Life likes ta kick ya while your down sometimes, but I'm glad ta be back on my game now!

Oh yeah, I haven't forgotten about Skelti Castle either! I'm hoping I'll be able to wrap up the comic around late October or so, but we'll have ta see. I originally thought it up as a sorta Halloween type comic, so it'd be cool.


here's ur lil peak at Chapter 8, ya damn thing

If ya haven't read my comic yet, feel free ta catch up here

OK bye bye!

I'll be back when I got more ta show but for now I'll keep drawin cus that's all I can do.



Posted by Snackers - February 27th, 2024

Aww yeah, it's time.

Despite all the Irish talent to come out of NG over the years, to my knowledge there's never been a real meetup organized on here, so following the new wave of Toronto and Philly meetups I thought I'd try and organize a meetup that's hopefully a lil more accessible to the EU homies... so in the spirit of celebrating NG around the world, i'm here ta announce...




  • SATURDAY, MAY 18th at 2PM


  • ALSO, make sure your dressed nice enough!! :-) Pubs in Dublin can be stingy enough about letting in any ol' rowdy crews of smelly artists dressed in tracksuits and smelly socks, so just bear that in mind!


  • Wellington Monument, Phoenix Park, Dublin, IRELAND



at 2PM we'll meet near the Wellington Monument in Phoenix Park and hang out!

If you know how to get to Phoenix Park, then Wellington Monument... well... it won't be hard to find!!

we'll chill there for a while then at 6pm we'll hit the TOKEN BARCADE!



Here's a few cool people who told me they'll roll up!!









and more...

So if your around, pull up!! I'm expecting this one to be pretty lowkey, not a huge group or anything but a nice humble little gatherin! Some people are flyin out to hang out and others are only around the corner!!

So there's no pressure to fly around the world to be there if you think you're gonna miss out, the goal is to host a meetup closer to people in Ireland/EU who maybe can't make it all the way out to the American/Canadian ones!




Posted by Snackers - August 22nd, 2023

Hello, hello...

i've been around the world and back but I'm here now and alive, still, I think!

i'd like ta write a little about what I've been upto and what's goin on... ya dig...?


It was so fun being back in Toronto again! love that city so much, but not enough to actually land there... turns out my flight was taking me to HAMILTON, which is 2 hours away from the main city of Toronto! I didn't realize this until I got to my connecting flight in Iceland, so woops! apparently Toronto has 2 major airports, who knew..?

but I made my way to the city (thanks CAM!) and chilled out. Then I lost my voice out of nowhere. Couldn't speak for like, 3 days before the meetup! I had to write little cue-cards to tell people at the shops and restaurants what I wanted while everyone around me explained to everyone that I was just really shy and had no english!

like damn... what's next?

Luckily, day of the theater event I was back to my ol' breathy voiced self. the day before, me and @ninjamuffin99 went for a walk down the street the event was happening and we saw it. The sign had been put up and it was glorious.

to see NEWGROUNDS ANIMATION on a real-life theater marquee was beyond surreal and awesome. I felt a jolt of spirit and energy reinvigorate my body!


The feature presentation

it was a fantastic day. first hung around the park and everyone came in droves! The pages of my sketchbook got filled up super fast with doodles, and I went around doodlin in whoever offered their sketchbook to me and chatted with a buncha cool people.

we eventually made it to the theater and man oh man, it was electric! whipped out the ol' 3DS and hosted a game of Mario Kart DS before the feature show began and everyone was getting to their seats, which was fun as hell and took me back. I got more streetpasses that day than I think I've gotten in my whole life!

Everything in the showing was a hit, and to see it all with an audience on the big screen just felt right. everythin from the atmospheric to the funny, the action-packed and Dat Weasel was a non-stop injection of pure fun and everything got a good reaction out of everyone.

To have such an impactful work like Punch Punch Forever! debut so close to the event and to catch it on the big screen, with a crowd of super hyped-up fans singing along to the opening was a sight to behold and I'll never forget it.

afterwards we made our way to the local anime bar that played One Piece and bootleg Dragonball Z flash animations (you know, every town has one) and hung around, drinkin and makin merry.


hangin with @Luis n' @Wandaboy again, got to meet @POSTBOY, @TomFulp and @arkoirisangel for the first time!

it was rad to hang with old friends and meet fresh faces. everyone was so chill and cool. I got to talk about Yakuza games with the voice of Tangy Mustard, took shots with old-time rivals @MikelzNG and @Alexmigo (love and peace!)

and put a bunch of faces to the cool artists floating around on here.

people like @Magibauble, @Wailer, @BrandyBuizel, @elikapika, @coby, @gachakoi, @pollyanoid, plus everyone else.. it was nice meetin ya!


Alien Hominid and the Lunar Kicks mechanic, as drawn by @TomFulp

That day was just a non-stop rush. The rest of my trip was spent chillin with my friends, playin Dragon Quest 9 with @Cadaver, explorin the city, singin karaoke. Wanda even expressed his love for Tokusatsu in a destructive feat that the country of Canada is still mourning and recovering from.

The day I left for the airport I also snuck in a quick encounter with @PhantomArcade, thank you for the gyoza!

I feel so lucky to be able to spend time with the people that inspire me the most, it was a rollickin good time. Hope I get to see everyone again next year!

Skelti Castle

after recovering from my travels, I've gotten straight back into drawing. I just released Chapter 6 of my one-shot comic Skelti Castle not too long ago, so give it a read if ya please! this comic has been a really fun and chilled-out little thing to work on when I don't have any major projects getting in the way.

check it out:

coming up with the story and drawing the characters has been fun and I'm happy with how its goin so far, people seem to dig it! i'm glad if anyone gets even a chuckle out of it.

Scack's adventure with the crew is just over halfway done now, with 4 more chapters left for me to draw. To everyone who's been readin along so far, THANK YOU!

I hope with each chapter I improve my drawings and make it better than the last.

my only ambition with the comic at the moment is that I'd like print physical copies of the whole one-shot once it's done. I just think reading a physical comic feels so much cooler and to have a real, self-contained little story in your hands would be the coolest thing! This comic and most of my work is just about me drawing cool things I like in scenarios I think are funny.


special thanks again to @arkoirisangel for letting me use her sugoi drawing of MUNT on the back cover!

I already printed 20 prototypes of just the first 5 chapters to get a feel of what it would look like and it's pretty damn cool already. I gave em away to a few friends and whoever wanted one, I lost a chunk of money but it was worth it - just to hold it in my hands! This was just a test so I don't really plan on printing more of these unless there's real interest. I'd want to try and make the full book once the comic is complete, and stuff it with concept sketches, write-ups and whatever fun things I can think to add. what do you think?

so yeah.. please check out the comic if your interested! keep readin it here on NG, I don't post it anywhere else so tell your friends about it!



Heeeeeyy.. are you an animator or a damn comic artist? Make up ur mind! it's not like Miyazaki drew the Nausicaa manga solely because he wanted to make it a film and basing it off a pre-existing manga was the only way to get it funded....

There has been some secret stuff I've been animating but other than that, I haven't been animating personal works that much at all this year, which is cool by me after the toll Lunar Kicks took on me...

But what's cool too is that next month I'll be starting work as an animator at Studio Meala, which if you don't know is a pretty cool hand-drawn 2D animation studio that's based in the west of Ireland!

i'm pretty excited to get started! with a new job will come a new routine, and I'm looking forward to seeing what I can learn and drawing some cool animation. STUDY! STUDY! STUDY!!


anyway, you see the trailer for GOOD BURGER 2? HOLY SHIT. uh...

so yeah, that's about it. Seeya

(MoistCr1tikal reference, if u didn't kno. Oh u don't kno? yeah, I watched him back in like the CSGO days, but he's pretty cool now too I guess. now that he's... popular. I watch his vids like, everyday when I'm sippin on my midnight instant ramen and diet coke. his takes are pretty much never wrong ykno, he just keeps it real and I pretty much get all my movie recommendations from him... yeah. Oh I mean, sure, I guess his humour isn't for everyone I mean I guess u gotta really be in the kno to like.. ''get it'', nam sayin'? like, his wordplay is just... ykno I heard he has a masters in english literature? hah... yeah, so like...)



Posted by Snackers - March 23rd, 2023

Heya NG... how u doin? It's spring?!



I've been pretty busy but also tryna take it easy at the same time..!

still drawing as always, I've found a new gust of inspiration and recently drew myself out of a slump with my comic, so I'm having fun continuing that story!

I was sick with a cold this week so I didn't go outside at all and instead watched a bunch of black and white movies with Wanda...

out of everything we watched the one that left the biggest mark on me was The Seventh Seal. it's about a knight who encounters death and challenges him to a game of chess. that's all I'll say about the plot.

The movie has a real foreboding and eerie atmosphere, the visuals struck me in a way I haven't felt before. I wouldn't say I'm anxious about death but it is something that crosses my mind every now and then.

definitely a good one to check out on a whim after seeing one cool screenshot!! Yojimbo is also sick, such a cool watch having already seen A Fistful of Dollars.. seeing the origins of it in a samurai movie is bonkers.

also Tetsuo the Iron Man is fucking insane


so yeah, been watching alot of good movies lately... I should also mention GENIUS PARTY - BEYOND.

Caddy showed me this one and it lit a spark under my ass and ignited the fire in my heart again for animation, it's a killer anthology with a bunch of experimental shorts. there's moments I find to be duds, but overall it's a kickass solid package of stylish animation!!

my favourite short by a mile in the thing is called MOONDRIVE. It's got this rad 'behind the scenes' style to it that I've never seen done on a similar level, where next to every shot contains the outlines of layout sheets, edges of the background paint are visible and a bunch of other artifacts of the animation process are left in which goes alongside the kinetic-- energetic keyframes to create one of the most electrifying and RAD things i've seen in a LONG TIME!!

plus it takes place on the MOON!!! COME ON HOW CAN YA BOY NOT LOVVIT?!?!


I've wanted to gush about that one for a while.

I feel like winter is withering finally, I can just now feel it begin to leave my body... I hope your feeling some sense of vitality now that everything should be blooming. the seasons definitely are getting more and more out of wack as the years go on but hey...


how are you holding up? working on anything cool, or watch/play anything cool lately? shit man, tomorrow two 4s come out... John Wick 4 and resident evil 4..... 4 4 4 4!!!!!! STUDIO 4c!!! THEY MADE MOONDRIVE! WOAH!





Posted by Snackers - January 3rd, 2023

Hullo, I’m gonna talk about a CANCELEDish game jam thing I was working on with some pals around July last year that I really liked, but we never finished. I made some stuff for it I like so I wanna share all the art/animation I did and give you the rundown on the game it was gonna be..! I'm mainly gonna be talking about my side of making art for it so the other dudes can write about their own involvment if they want to, cuz we all put alotta work into it!


original concept sketch for HIGHROLLERS

DIAMONDHUSTLE HIGHROLLERS was a kind of 4 PLAYER ONLINE CO - OP game where you run around a casino tryin to hustle some diamonds and play gambling games with your friends. The gameplay was supposed to be akin to the Four Swords Adventures games with the interactivity of an online game, funny text chat and emotes and cool stuff.

Programming by @ninjamuffin99, Art & Colour Design by @DIGIMIN, Music by @siximpala, and Animation and Character Design by ME.

We were in the mood to make somethin with a fantasy vibe but along the way I managed to wrangle in a casino aesthetic that everyone was down for because we all love GAMBLING!!! 

And so our little casino/fantasy world was created. 

Though I’m not much of a gambler IRL (fraud), there’s something about the casino aesthetic and vibe that I adore in games and movies. The jazzy music, casino levels in Sonic games, Oceans Eleven, Rush Hour 2, ALL THAT. 

I think it’s the snazziest place to stage an action scene, and my heart yearns to make the ultimate action animation set in a casino someday, and I’m not complete until that dream is fulfilled.

Anyway, for now, getting to design the characters for a casino game was rad!! There were 4 playable characters to pick from so every character was based off a symbol in a slot machine..!


Their names are just BAR, CHERRY, GEM & BELL.

I drew a good bit of concept art, I can't fit it all in this news post so you can check out my process for sketchin out the characters and all that here:

After my concept sketches I drew little roughs of the character sprites, which DIGI coloured and made look cool!


The next thing for me to do then was to animate the bastards so that's what I did, here's each characters run cycle!



Gem is my favourite, look at the little man go. Cam also programmed his sprite to display slightly smaller than everyone else cuz of how I drew him in the concept art which pissed me off at first but it was also really funny seeing the short king run around

I also animated some NPCs who were gonna sit around at the slot machines..



And of course I was gonna take any excuse to animate bunny girls so here's some cute casino bunny girls!!



And finally, some cool NEON signs I drew for the environment...


I had so much fun drawing all this stuff for the game..! So why didn't we finish it?

well ya know, our vision for a 4 PLAYER ONLINE NG game was pretty damn ambitious as you can imagine, so most of the time on the programming side of things was spent with Cam just trying to get the online to even work properly, while me, digi and KaTT just rocked our own thing. I was having too much fun making art that I didn't care that it probably wasn't gonna get finished.

here's a video showing the online working!

at the end of the day, what we had was pretty damn impressive! Cam made a working little room where the 4 of us could connect and run around in with proper collision, it was sick to see. but we were all a bit burnt out by the time it took to get even that working that I don't think any of us had the energy to actually design the gameplay.. part of the game.

but whatever, it was so rad making art with DIGI, I didn't post all the background elements he drew but they rock, and KaTT still churned out some SWEET MUSIC which you can listen to here:



anyway, I had too much fun to care that HIGHROLLERS never got finished, we had fun with it and then all went back to our own thing. the dream of the 4 PLAYER FOUR-SWORDS STYLE NG GAME is still alive though, and whenever and however it gets made years from now, I'm sure its gonna rock.

ok bye bye, I'm off to the casino. 2023 HERE WE GO




Posted by Snackers - October 27th, 2022

hello.. my new animation LUNAR KICKS is out now!!

Wow.. you can even see it right there on the front page banner, which makes my heart melt... thank you Tom, and NG! I put so much into this animation and it makes me real happy to see people are diggin it.

soon I'lll forget all about it and act like it doesn't exist so I can prove myself again and make something even better, but for now i'll enjoy the reception..!

really wanna thank all my buddies who lifted the short up into greatness.. im grateful!

I met @CADAVER early this year and he is such a bro, talking to him about my idea for the atmosphere and environment of the moon in the short he just immediately got it and gave me EXACTLY what I was looking for. it blew my mind... caddy's a hard worker who really cares about his stuff, you'd be wise to keep an eye on the guy.

I worked with cam before on duncan & jones music so I knew he'd deliver... and he sure did..!! went through so many samples and concepts, but he got the lonely spaceman vibe down in everything he did. I think BOOTS ON MOON is a personal favourite...

my animator bros who never let me down and are god damn talented and cool... what can I say... magi got to put his touch on the ending which makes me happy. I owe you all!!




I'll just letcha know also that you can download all the ANIMATION FILES for free here:


you can poke around and look at all the messy behind the scenes shtuff..

on top of everything else, today I also got USER OF THE DAY, WHICH IS BONKERS!!


feelin pretty blessed.... I started animating Lunar Kicks at a time when I was a lot less happy, which is why I gave it a bummer ending. let's just say if I were to start from scratch now, it'd be a much happier animation. I thank ye all..

the last thing I'll say for myself is that I'm still working on a comic!! SKELTI CASTLE is a 10 chapter story I've had thumbnailed for months, I'm halfway done with chapter 3 so that'll be out soon!

you CAN read it here on NG, but I'd prefer if you read here on this TAPAS page I made for it... it's higher quality!!


OK im out... whats the next big animation to look for then..? well from me? I DUNNO! gimme a break... but my bro @POSTBOY is cooking up an original animation here on NG so keep your eyes on that OK? cuz its gonna ROCK... REAL HARD!! OH YEAH!!

alrighty, peace!




Posted by Snackers - April 15th, 2022

took a walk by the sea and found a cool log

how was your day?



Posted by Snackers - December 31st, 2021

WELL, THAT'S ANOTHER ONE DONE. I struggled through a lot but tried my best to stay winning, and with the help of friends, I think we all stayed winning! This year's felt more eventful and bumpy than most, so I think I'll try my best to go over my favourite things that happened throughout the year and share some writings and thoughts, and also update a tad on the projects I'm working on. Happy new year! This is a long one.



I love this damn banner

I'll get this one out of the way first since it's what essentially shaped the beginning of my year. In December last year I started work on a Funkin' fan animation, funneling all my excitement and adrenaline that fueled me ever since the game took off. I worked on it on and off until in February, the Friday Night Funkin' Animation Jam was announced.

I SWEAR I HAD NO IDEA ABOUT THIS BUT GOOD TIMING!! I didn't care much about winning anything but seeing everyone else excitedly work on their animation got me pumped, so I hunkered down and doubled my efforts to get the animation done in time for the deadline.

It was a thrill, blasting hi-energy music, drinking unhealthy amounts of sugar to knock out those last few frames the night of the deadline was a rush. That 'animation adrenaline' is something I live for, and is something I sorely miss working neverendingly on my original short, though later in the year I'd get a chance to experience it again. More on that later.

The result was 'THE LOST OPENING'. An extremely unoriginal idea in hindsight, though I think I started work on my entry before most others considering I started before the jam was announced. Regardless, @Postboy's was 10x better so it doesn't matter.

My favourite thing to come from this collab was getting my ass beat. My animation is OK, but I don't care much for it at all anymore. All I can see now are my mistakes, and I'm happy about that. The rivalries spawned from this jam have been electric, fueling me with inspiration to push myself further with my animation and never stop. Despite the struggles of this year, that feeling of motivation has never left me.

It's because of that that so far this has been my favourite animation jam on the site. So many god-tier entries, and it was just carried by this excitement felt throughout the whole website as new life was breathed into NG's soul and the site exploded.

Also, MY ENTRY HAD A BALLER JAM MADE BY THE ONE N' ONLY @HEYOPC THAT WAS RAD. Godly as yours is Posty, everyone used that Fresh remix in their entry, so I still get more style points for that. THANKS CHRIS!!

The Funkin' game had one hell of a year, too. The launch of Week 7 is something I'll never forget. Watching that drop live, lighting Twitter ablaze and literally breaking Newgrounds was genuinely magical. It's tough to describe, but without getting too sappy, It's like watching a dream you believed in finally come true. Seeing the kickstarter soar, ending with that juicy 2mil lit my heart on fire and my mind exploded trying to comprehend the coolest Newgrounds game ever coming into existence. The devs have a long road ahead of them. Call me biased, but I got a gut feeling it's gonna be bitchin'.

Shrigmas Strike Back

This was the funniest thing that happened all year and I don't give a shit what you think. So, on July 2nd 2021, mushrooms started invading Twitter. It all began when I happened upon a funny new wojak drawn by some guy on 4chan. This funny little mushroom fellow made me laugh so much, it was the most joy I had felt all year.


Me, circa July 2nd 2021

Before I knew it, I was infected. I became the shrigma male. It wasn't long before my spores spread to my good friends on Discord. Suddenly, every good person in the vicinity had been mutated into mushroom folk.


The initial spread of shrooms, origin of the Shrigma males


Shrigmas weren't always accepted and faced some prejudice

Sooner or later, the spores sought broader horizons, and leapt from Discord onto the Twitter wasteland. There it infected countless unassuming dolts and spread its spores around the globe, forming a new army, nay, a nation. If you were there, you were one of us. The free people of Newgrounds and of Twitter united under a shared love of one silly little mushroom.


A mere taste of the Shrigma nation

Finally, the sun set and thus it came to pass that the Shrigma's would depart upon the shores from which they arrived. Though short lived, the shrigma's presence brought smiles and joy to the bleak online world, and for that I am forever happy to have been apart of it. So long, silly mushrooms.

The Aran Islands

During the summer, I visited some family for a weekend on the Aran Islands. Aran is comprised of three islands off the west coast of Ireland and visiting it was one of the greatest highlights of my year. I was having a quite dour time up until this point, I was locked up in isolation, finishing secondary school (@THRIFTMAN MOVED TO AMERICA AW HELL NAW but he came back tho :>), battling the idea of college and figuring out how I wanted to go about life and all that.

So to visit these remote islands even for a weekend was the greatest relief for me and my imagination, I was blessed to have some of the finest weather I've seen in this country while I visited and had to take some photos.



A collage of random photos I took from Aran. It's all just a bunch of rocks really, but I love it

I had never been to these islands my entire life despite them being so close to me, and finally getting to see it for the first time was like entering a new world. It's a completely vast, untouched land of grass, hills and stone. It's similar to alot of countryside Ireland, but the excitement for me came from it being an even more condensed, smaller island that you could run from one side to the other in less than 20 minutes or so.

Being atop a hill and looking out into the endless, vast ocean, then looking over the other direction and across the sea seeing the ferociously tall hills of Connemara was breathtaking. I brought my sketchbook with me and tried my best to sketch the landscapes.

There's something to the Irish landscape that I feel few media has been able to convey correctly, even if not directly referrencing the Irish countryside. Visiting the ruins of monastaries and forts on the islands, I get a real sense of melancholy and sadness. Nature has engulfed these rocky ruins, stories and history that has been lost to time, with only scattered memories giving us fragments as to what they were. There exists games and movies that replicate this feeling well, but to actually stand there and see it with your own eyes, and feel it, is something else.

I've always wanted to convey the raggedy sense of adventure I get from nature into my work, but it's so hard. It seems impossible to really and truly make something that is as fun to watch/read as it is to actually run through open fields and climb rocks by the sea.

Nevertheless, I won't stop trying. My trip gave me a wave of inspiration that I used to design characters and write a story that I'm still working on. It's a smaller one-shot comic that I won't say anything about other than it's really funny and cool and will be good. That's all I really wanted to write about my trip to Aran. It was one of the greatest things to soothe my heart this year and I hope I get to visit it another time someday. Elden Ring has alot to live upto because exploring that island was too much fun.

Lunar Kicks

You probably know by now that my next big animated project is a space cartoon called Lunar Kicks. As of writing, I've been working on it for about 8 months. All the animation is mostly done, I'm just cleaning it all up now, however with the detail I'm working at now it's taking longer than ever. Working on a project like this for 8 months is tiring, which is why I've taken up writing and designing characters for other smaller projects in between animating.


To best describe my current feelings on this, I'll share an excerpt from my journal dated 22nd of November, 2021:

''It's at this point in the animation that I get so wrapped up in the work that I forget why I'm even doing it in the first place. I mean, I know why, but I certainly don't feel it. It's impossible to keep up your initial enthusiasm during the entire animation process.

I'm struggling to find words to describe how I feel about it because truly I feel nothing.

I'm not depressed about it, or stressed, really, I don't feel anything. All I know is that it has to be done. I can't say I'm excited anymore, how could I be. Though as downbeat as my writing is, I know that despite its flaws, this animation will be very good, and the day it releases will be a good one.

So no matter what, I have something to look forward to.''

Bit overdramatic, but I was definitely overwhelmed at the time by the animation and just life in general. Things are better now, and work on the animation is resuming now at an alright pace. I averaged about 6 cleaned up frames a day while balancing everything else, but now with more free time I should get alot more work done and hopefully have this done 2022. I WILL. Then I'll take a nice break and make something simpler..... no, I won't.



I'll try not to overshare here, but this stuff has had an impact on my work and myself this year and it's been a major part of me being very lame and WAAAAAH!

I graduated secondary school and started my first year of college this year. With the pandemic, the world in ruins, the final year of secondary was a hellish nightmare that I've already blocked out my mind, so that doesn't matter anymore. What matters is my current situation in college. I opted to study Design (Graphic Design, Illustration etc.) and MAN IT SUCKS!

I didn't very much want to go to college, but I saw no other real option. I did alot of work this year before I finished secondary school finished to learn about the animation industry in Ireland and to see if there was a way I could land a job before I graduated so I wouldn't have to go to college. I emailed and asked alot of professional animator people for their opinions, talked to industry people and even signed up and attended an Animation Skillnet workshop consisting of lectures teaching animators about studios, how TV productions run and how to find jobs and make nice demo reels and stuff. I was the only non-college graduate in attendance and I was very awkward but I didn't care because I was determined, DETERMINED to find a way out of college.

And I did. Kinda. I won't go into details, but very early in the year I was offered a contract to work a cleanup animation job for a very cool Irish animation studio that I like very much. I was ecstatic. However, discussing the details during a meeting revealed to me that the time frame I would have to work CLASHED with my very important end of year secondary school exams. I was pretty heartbroken. I had to make a choice, between this contract job, or finishing secondary school.

I chose to finish school. The smarter choice, I'm sure, but man it was crushing. It felt to me like school having the last laugh. One final 'fuck you' to me, to just ruin a perfectly good opportunity right before I left, as if school didn't already annoy me enough. I could've gone very bitter over this, and for a little bit I probably did, but I just picked up and kept going, more-or-less accepting my fate to go to college and play it safe.

I didn't want to go to animation college. It just didn't feel right to me. I want to do my own thing, my own way, and have as little influence from institutions as possible. Full respect to animators who studied in college, but for me it doesn't feel like my style. So instead I opted for a design course I hadn't much interest in and I regret it. I thought I could just sleep through classes while I work on my own stuff, but it's kind of biting me in the ass. I don't really care, because I don't care. About college. I should, probably. But MAN.


art college is nothing like blue blazes I've discovered

I've been skipping classes to just wander around town and draw my own sketches of buildings and landscapes, people and things. Writing whatever comes to my mind, feelings ideas and concepts. Doing my own thing. It's what I want to do.

I guess I'm arrogant, and stubborn. I'm young, and I shouldn't make drastic decisions. But there's gotta be something better than this. I know if I keep trying I can make a living in animation. But how do I want to go about doing that? Working a studio job comes with its own worries about burnout and lack of energy for my own pursuits, but it's gotta be better than this. Freelance sounds nice. But I just don't know. I haven't dropped out of college because I don't know where to go or what to do. This is how my mind wanders, but despite all these feelings I know if I just keep moving forward I'll be good.

I don't know where I'm headed but I know I'll be fine. I'll stick to keeping true to what I think is cool.

For 2022 I'm gonna keep pushing myself and get myself out there, find a way to survive with a little more happiness than I have in my current situation. Which honestly ain't asking for much, 'cause even in my current state, I'm blessed with the greatest friends and the greatest community on the internet. No matter how down I got, my homies kept me from going off the deep end. And for that, I have no words to express my thanks.


This year was wacky, and amazing. I illustrated a children's book, which was wild and out of nowhere, but really fun. I'm going to be working on another one due for release in February, so that will be another adventure.

Thank you my friends, and to all the new homies I met this year. To all my animator bozos, namely @Magibauble and @Postboy who's work excited me the most and really gave me the kick to put the pedal to the metal. Thank you @Arzonaut for letting me help on your EVA cartoon, digging through your .fla was fun.

To @ninjamuffin99 and @Wandaboy, those dumb swag cartoons we made gave me that adrenaline animation I was really looking for and had me laughing harder than you can say HOWARD WHA T DA HELL MAN

To @Carmet for doxxing that russian kid and mailing a pipe bomb to his house that was really funny

OK not gonna @ more people, I hate leaving people out. Yeah, if I didn't @ you, it's because you actually really fuckin annoyed me this year and I really would rather not even talk to you actually. So scram.





Posted by Snackers - October 16th, 2021

My next cartoon is Lunar Kicks. It's about a man on the moon who works as a mechanic. Will be about 2 minutes.


Storyboards began in June. I spent that time taking photographs and finding references online to create the landscape and machinery of the world. The board went through 2 drafts and was completed by the end of July.

I started animation in August, and have about 1 minute and 20 seconds done as of writing this. It feels like I've been working on this for longer, but really I've only been animating for 3 months, which isn't so bad I suppose! You know I spent 8 months on Duncan & Jones? What? I can't remember any of that. What am I doing man? Wha-

I'm at the phase of this project where I've become hopeless and miserable about everything. It happens every time. Kicking myself in the foot for how much damn work I gave myself in the boards. But it's this pain that I know will make it worth it. I'm giving this cartoon everything I've got and as long as I'm making the kind of animation I want to see on Newgrounds, I'll sleep fine. It's gonna rock harder than anything I've made before AS USUAL so don't worry.

This project has been worked on for 5 months yet I only decided on an ending a few days ago! I've never shooken up my approaches and methods for a cartoon as much as I have with this one so hopefully it's pretty different than most anything I've made before. Things have been stressful lately, more than usual. Relaxing for me feels like trying to light a cigarette in the rain. I can never quite do it right.

I'm anxious, stressed and STILL CATCHING FEELINGS FOR LESBIANS!! Can you tell I'm an animator??

I've taken on a lot of work, including illustrating a children's book which should be coming out sometime in November. I'm a mess right now but if I survive this month I probably won't go insane. I got that Netflix Cowboy Bebop to look forward to as well god dayum uhh can you say kino??

I'm tired man. Thank you dearly everyone for lookin at my dumb shit. I hope my next cartoon will inspire you. Please keep making the things YOU want to see on Newgrounds and stay true to what you think is cool. Okay?


This pic goes so hard, feel free to screenshot
