Cillín @Snackers

Age 22


Joined on 5/8/17

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Damn, what? The year's already over?! BLEEEH!! Time sure flies when you spend so much time in your room.

I wanna thank everyone that came out to the NG Dublin Meetup in May! Organizing any kind of meetup like this was definitely a first for me, and also the first time (correct me if I'm wrong) a Newgrounds Meetup was held in Ireland in over 14 years!

I really wasn't sure how it was gonna go down or how many people would even show up, but looking back on it now It's kind of surreal to think that I was hanging out with a few of my old NG friends in person at the same time while meeting new people, in my home country. Ireland's a small island so the fact that so many people came out was pretty damn cool.


NG toons at the pub + The Simpsons Arcade speedrun feat. (left to right)

Me, speedo, Alan (everyone say Hi Alan), GuardiasVA and HenryEYES

The barcade place we went to literally shut down a few days after our shindig, apparently they just couldn't get rid of that 'NG funk' we lovingly emitted so oh well! shrug emoji.

For most of this year I was working as an animator at Studio Meala on a show called Doodle Girl.

Workin on the show was like speedrunning 5 different animation tutorials per week, it felt like everyday I saw and learned something new I hadn't thought about in animation before. Seein' how the pros tackled shots and trying to find my footing was crazy rewarding and powerful.

It feels like this is the most I've improved in ANIMATION in just under a year.


To see my name on the telly in the credits of a project I'm actually proud to be apart of is nutso, for sure.

Everyone on the team really was cool and seemed to be having a blast, and I felt honoured ta even be a part of it and bring whatever weird energy I could in my animation.

Anyway, I don't think there's even a way you can watch it outside of Ireland so for now you'll just have ta take my word that for a kids show, it's actually pretty killer and wait until I get the OK to share the shots I animated!

Outside of drawing and animatin stuff, life this year was for sure hectic. too many hoes want me, My money is stacked too high and my heart just too big, sigh...


lol, but for real, I think being out of education for the first time in my life has made me realize that just working non-stop for a whole year makes that shit fly by before you can even realize. Especially since most of my output was studio work or commissions. I'm a lil annoyed by how little of my own art n' cartoons I got done this year.

So armed with everythin' I've learned so far I'm gonna finally step up my game and hopefully make more of my own stuff in the new year. I felt pretty inspired by the response to that dumbass Guilty Gear thing I made in like a week, lol!

right now I'm workin on an Ape Escape cartoon with some friends.

I got all the rough animation done so it'll be out sometime in da future!


Not too much else I have to say, really. It wasn't a crazy eventful year for me, just a buncha hunkering down animating, learning stuff while life threw the same lessons at me over n over again. My health was a lil all over the place, spent a frustratin amount of time in and out of doctors offices in the latter half of the year, but I'm better now, so we up.


Got my health back just in time to watch peak

That's all for now, till next time - sayonara. here's a picture of me and Miku!




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2,375 Points

Day 19 5 Points

Open the ninteenth present!

Day 6 5 Points

Open the sixth present!

Day 3 5 Points

Open the third present!

Day 4 5 Points

Open the fourth present!

Day 2 5 Points

Open the second present!

Day 5 5 Points

Open the fifth present!

Day 1 5 Points

Open the 1st present!

Launch Day 5 Points

Start Your Homebrew Journey

Complete Collection 10 Points

Get every costume.

Shopaholic 10 Points

Clear round 25.