Cillín @Snackers

Age 21


Joined on 5/8/17

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EEp!! I kno, lemme getcha all caught up. >_<

SIGH,,, sorry for not uploading so often guys... my NormalBoots contract expired and the bastards won't renew my channel. the Dang website just don't pay enough for me to finish Top 10 WEIRD WiiWare Games so unless god damn ScrewAttack or whatever is hiring.. I'm ''cooked''.


Just kidding guys, you know dats not me hahah.

Speakin o' contracts tho, the BIG reason I haven't been so active animation wise on NG is cuz for the past 9 months I've gotten the chance to work as an animator for Studio Meala on a show they're makin called Doodle Girl.


I'll share the work I did on it and talk about it more once it releases. It was a crazy amazing experience getting to work with some insanely talented and nice folks, I learned so much so quickly. it's a very charming and cute show that's covered in the fingerprints of everyone involved, and its hand-drawn style moves and feels like nothin else I can really think of out there right now.

Excited ta share more when I can..!!

anyway, I'm done my work on that project so I've a lot more time freed up now to work on some more of my own stuff. I'm gonna rest up good then get back ta making some short animations and cool art.

turns out workin full-time animatin on a project makes it hard ta keep up the energy workin on stuff in your spare time sometimes, huh? I dunno how Postboy does it..!! I'll figure it out eventually, lol.

I WAS workin on a cartoon about one of my favourite games earlier this year, but it was kinda too long, and also unfunny and a little gay, so I dropped it. down the snackers iceberg it goes...


Someday I'll do Kid Icarus justice!

It's cool though, instead I recently started a super short Guilty Gear cartoon that I dig more, I'm nearly done animating it so I'll actually finish it and it should be out sometime soonish.


Beer me!! Thas like what that dude in the Office says, in that episode. I luv the Office, it makes me lol

That's all I got ta share for now, really. Other than the cool Meala stuff, last year life dropped alotta stuff on me outside of my control that took up a lot of time, which is why I was stretched pretty thin in terms of making stuff on here. Life likes ta kick ya while your down sometimes, but I'm glad ta be back on my game now!

Oh yeah, I haven't forgotten about Skelti Castle either! I'm hoping I'll be able to wrap up the comic around late October or so, but we'll have ta see. I originally thought it up as a sorta Halloween type comic, so it'd be cool.


here's ur lil peak at Chapter 8, ya damn thing

If ya haven't read my comic yet, feel free ta catch up here

OK bye bye!

I'll be back when I got more ta show but for now I'll keep drawin cus that's all I can do.


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